Chris Meredith
How long with Wentworth? I’ve been in touch with Wentworth People almost since it was created but have only recently formally joined the team
Background: marketing, innovation, strategy and general management roles with a range of boutique consultancies and on the client side in FMCG, drinks and healthcare
Apart from the present, what job role did you most enjoy and why? Marketing Director on Stolichnaya Vodka. Superb product, amazing brand and brand review meetings in Moscow!.
Facilitation style: Energetic, challenging, supportive (and fun!).
Main areas of expertise: : Innovation, Insight development, strategy, creativity, story telling.
Passionate about: Helping people (and companies) get out of their own way to do stuff that makes a difference.
Most enjoyable work project in the last 12 months and why? Helping people (and companies) get out of their own way to do stuff that makes a difference
Why are they hanging out with Wentworth? Because they’re great and intelligent people who keep me on my toes and help me learn and grow.